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Home Insights News & Events Ibis Solutions organized a conference about 5G network transformation

Ibis Solutions organized a conference about 5G network transformation

Ibis Solutions and its partner companies IBM, Red Hat, and Ookla organized a one-day regional conference on network transformation initiated by the development of 5G technology. During lectures and panel discussions, more than 50 participants of the conference, who were mainly representatives of Telco operators, had the opportunity to learn first-hand and from recognized experts the latest technological trends related to 5G and Cloud Native, Edge Computing, Network Automation, IoT , as well as Crowd analytics in the form of software products created for specific cases.

Through interesting presentations given by recognized world experts, the conference participants had the opportunity to find out how the revolutionary potential that the 5G network provides can be most effectively realized. O-RAN, standalone 5G core, Edge computing are just some of the initiatives based on the penetration of Cloud technologies into the operating model of new networks, mainly through the use of microservices architecture, as well as the related CI/CD DevOps practices. It was pointed out that just a modernization of the network can enable new sources of income for Telco operators, as well as a significantly higher level of user satisfaction with the minimization of operating costs and the establishment of greater energy efficiency, which is especially important today.

“The transformation of networks, conditioned by the introduction of 5G network infrastructure, first of all, implies the influence of Cloud technology and distributed architectures within the networks of Telco operators. For this to happen, it is necessary to introduce certain cultural changes, which along with upgrading employees’ competencies, often represent the biggest challenge. As a proven system integrator with decades of experience in the wider regional market, we believe that with the support of our long-term partners, we have the right mix of knowledge, experience, and innovation needed to help Telco operators successfully implement this transformation. Apart from the benefits it will bring to the operators, the entire society will feel the positive effect,” said Ilija Lazović, Director of System Integrations at Ibis Solutions.

Demystification of the Telco cloud, technologies that can be used to establish “zero touch” network configuration, i.e. “closed loop” automation, were some of the things that the participants could hear during the first part of the conference. These were the topics that the lecturers from IBM and Red Hat mainly addressed in their presentations. One of the most interesting facts related to the mentioned topics is that, contrary to belief, technology participates with only 20% during the entire transformation process. In comparison, people and processes represent the remaining 80%.

Representatives of Ookla and Ibis Solutions presented the value of crowdsourcing data as an additional source that can significantly increase the utility value of modern software tools on the part of Telco operators and confirm the performance and quality of 5G networks with a massive number of test samples. It was also announced that further improvements of customized solutions for assessing the quality of networks by services are planned in response to network slicing.

In the last part of the conference, special attention was attracted by the panel discussion in which the participants were: Timo Jokiaho – Red Hat Chief Technologist, Global Telco Ecosystem, Doug Suttles – Ookla CEO, Nenad Zeljković – A1 Serbia and Slovenia CTO, Milan Aleksijević – Mtel BiH CTO . The dominant topics of the panel discussion were the participants’ thoughts on the current status and plans for 5G adoption, the challenges faced by telco providers, what is open5G, the impact of network slicing and edge computing on the transformation of industries and society, the importance of QoE validation, as well as mechanisms for establishing energy efficiency.